Friday, March 27, 2009

As I write this, the snow is falling really hard, and I can't believe that Lise and I actually were thinking of launching our boat earlier this week (before the storm hit).  Surely spring can't be far off!

Have you heard that Bill sold Rush Creek Marina over the winter?  He's apparently going to be around for a while, but the new owners will be taking charge soon.  I tried to call him this past week to get the details, but wasn't able to connect.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SYC Has a Blog

Ok, I really don't know what I'm doing. I've now officially set up the website which was quite simple. But... this blogging has been interesting. I've officially deleted the blog and re-created it three times now.

The intention is to make this blog a simple way to communicate with other members and interested sailors about whats going on in the yacht club; what members are doing; get advise about sailing or racing; and pretty much whatever anyone whats to talk about.

So here we go. Start blogging!